An advantage of the GSM-PRO2 system is the modular set up. When the main module has insufficient in- or outputs then it’s possible to add almost endless digital or analogue in- and outputs.

Connect them easily together. Go to the setup software and to the tab IO en select the extension which needs to be added. Remove the cover from the extension and set the address with rotary switches. The above rotary switch is for the single digits and the lower for the double digits. Enter the same value in the setup software. Important notice! After adding the extension the module must be restarted, otherwise it will not be recognised by the main module.

Extensies digitaal in


The 10DI extension can be given a logical name for easy recognition and will be shown in all applications. The same goes for the individual inputs. The GSM-PRO2 module sends an e-mail, SMS or can do a phone as soon a flank changes. The message text can be chosen. In the CONTA-SUPERVISION IoT portal the notification will be shown and placed into the event list. At each message it’s possible to add date and time stamp as well as the module en input name. Per input contact can be assigned who should receive a message. Per input is a LED indication to show if the input is high or low. A status LED show if the extension is functionally well.


The digital output extension has 4 outputs. The extension can be given a logical name for easy recognition and will be shown in all applications. The same counts for the individual inputs. Extensions can be controlled per SMS command. The operate command can be chosen by the user. A SMS can be sent to the user as feedback that the GSM-PRO2 module has received the command and executed. Via the CONTA-SUPERVISION IoT portal the GSM-PRO2 can be controlled real time.

In the CONTA-SUPERVISION IoT portal and App a notification will be shown and placed into the event list. The output can be switched on/off or as a pulse output. The duration of the pulse is free configurable. The load of each output is maximum 16A / 250V UC and per extension is the maximum load 35A/250V UC.

Extensies digitaal uit
Extensies analoog in


The analogue extension has 8 inputs which react on voltage (0V – 10V DC) or current (0mA – 20mA). Next to this NTC, PT1000 or N1000 temperature sensors can be connected directly to an input. Each input can have it’s own unit with a minimum and maximum value. A upper and lower threshold value can be set at each input. Every time the threshold value is exceeded, the GSM-PRO2 module can send a message. The module sends this to selected contacts per e-mail or SMS. For additional attention a phone call can be done as well by the module. In the CONTA-SUPERVISION IoT portal and App a notification will be shown and placed into the event list. The notification text is free to determine. A message can be sent straight away or delayed or after minimum change. The last 2 are useful when sloshing liquid is measured. This prevents incorrect messages. A log functionality can be chosen for each individual analogue input. The log will have the same interval time as the GSM-PRO2 module. To calibrate the input in case a sensor is connected, an offset value can be entered. Also this extension can be given an own logical name which will be shown in all applications.


The analogue extension has 4 outputs which control 0V – 10V DC. Selected user may control the output. The voltage level is adjustable in 5 steps by SMS commands. In the CONTA-SUPERVISON IoT portal an output can be adjusted stepless. Each input can be given a logical name  for easy recognition. The same goes for the extension.

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